February 6, 2009

A few more AE tutorial resources

There have been several uber-tutorial sites that attempt to collect every link. Some use mostly brute force like VisualFXtuts.com by Topher Welsh, who is now also writing for AE Freemart. That association might help the newish VisualFXtuts keep up steam in collecting so many previews and links to tutorials (it's a bit like an expanded FriendFeed).

Other uber-tutorial sites are more automated, like Tutorialfind, Directory of Tutorials (dead?), and others. And some sites deal just in video, like Wonder How To, YouTube & Vimeo, Instructables, etc.

And here are two more websites with After Effect tutorials by accomplished users not mentioned before:
Note: AE tutorials will show up on searches of all kinds better is they include relevant keywords for objectives and techniques & filters used. Getting found easily in AE Community Help seems to help the ranking on regular Google searches too.

Update: Someone noted motion graphics eXchange in comments. Also, Creative After Effects Tutorials and Showcase references AE tutorials in an automated fashion.

Update: Here's another listing that has tutorials not already linked to through the links here, 40+ Adobe After Effects Best of Tutorials & Resources.


  1. Great resources ;).
    I've found another one, very interesting.


  2. Thanks for the review dude!

