January 31, 2009

Lloyd Alvarez's AENY presentation on AE scripting

Jim Geduldick of AENY.ORG and Finalcutuser.com posted a presentation by Lloyd Alvarez on scripts in After Effects from the AENY meeting last week. There's more background and links to sites like AE Enhancers on the Vimeo page AENY presents Lloyd Alvarez's After Effects Scripting Presentation, and if you're logged into Vimeo you can download a 720p QuickTime version from the bottom right of the page.

Part of the discussion covers the same ground as a recent 80-minute AETUTS.com tutorial mentioned a few days ago in Text tutorials use free scripts and expressions. There's also a post on this on Lloyd's website AEscripts.com.

AENY presents Lloyd Alvarez's After Effects Scripting Presentation from AENY on Vimeo.

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