January 1, 2009

Google Search Tricks

Among the most useful of Lifehacker's Most Popular Top 10's of 2008 is the Top 10 Obscure Google Search Tricks -- if you want to go beyond Google's handy (and redesigned) Advanced Search and Language Tools (translations & more).

To go even further, check out Google Guide, an online interactive tutorial and reference for experienced users, novices, and everyone in between. See especially the Google Guide Quick Reference "Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet)."

Also interesting for real-world visualization with video is Analytics, AdWords, and Big Spenders and Motion Charts at the Google Analytics Blog.

For Google in general, see Official Google Blog, Google Operating System, Search Engine Watch, and Google Blogoscoped (as well as their view of current posts at all Google blogs). A useful overview of Web 2.0 blog feeds can be found at Original Signal.

Update: And as Todd Kopriva reminds us in comments below, "The After Effects Community Help search engine is just a custom Google search engine, so all of these tips work there, too."


Update 2: Technology Review collects its reports on search in Special Reports Next-Generation Search and in Special Reports IT: Next-Generation Search.


  1. Remember: The After Effects Community Help search engine is just a custom Google search engine, so all of these tips work there, too.

