September 22, 2008

CS4 now public with previews

Adobe TV already has Adobe CS4 tours and more. Tours for AE, Premiere, and Photoshop Extended, respectively, are posted below -- though they can be viewed much better at Adobe TV. The product pages, including AE CS4, are also up and have different feature previews.

As the teams release more info, you'll find more on Adobe Blogs. John Nack has the first round-up of external resources in (CS)4 On The Floor!

For the continuing blow-by-blow on AE, Todd Kopriva, keeper of the docs, is keeping track new resources at After Effects region of interest. Also, you might watch AE product manager Michael Coleman's Keyframes blog for more information.

Chris & Trish Meyer are at the ready with After Effects CS4 New Creative Techniques at, which has previews for the other products too. There's more at ProVideoCoalition, Layers Magazine, and elsewhere:

But wait, there's more: Check out Russell Brown's PS CS4 tutorials on AdobeTV; here's CS4 3D Mesh from Grayscale:

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