August 21, 2008

YouTube Hacks: Sort, Subscribe, Listen

Liz Gaines of NewTeeVee shares LifeHacker's Top 10 YouTube Hacks.

Also interesting is Read/Write Web's take on YouTube's new video uploading platform as noted in 10 Promising Web Platforms:

"By allowing website owners to combine an on-site video publishing option for their users with the huge number of people looking to discover new content on YouTube, the platform will create a mutually beneficial feedback loop that will breathe new life into both YouTube and the web at large. It's also got potential to show up all the other big platform plays we've seen to date."

Update: From the guy that did Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us' (6.3 million views), here's 'An anthropological introduction to YouTube,' presented at the Library of Congress, June 23rd 2008.

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