July 15, 2008

Rules of Web Video Advertising

Camcorder.info gives you "The Seven Rules of Effective Video Advertising," which riffs off of a Mashable post, "How to Easily and Inexpensively Create Eye-Popping Video Ads." This is noteworthy since the Mashable author, CEO of auto-clip-art video admaker Jivox, claims:

"Online video advertising is growing at a faster rate than any other type of interactive marketing. And that’s because video advertising works, generating twice the clickthrough rate of banner ads, according to eMarketer. That level of effectiveness is why spending on online video advertising will surge from under $1B in 2007 to over $5B in 2011."

Of course this projection assumes, among other things, that Europe and Asia won't insist on being paid back for the Iraq war, and our own elite hasn't robbed us blind and want to deflate all vestiges of a bubble to get out clean with the loot. Plus, it also depends on how much is bled out through energy payments and if, as Kottke notes, people stopped looking at ads like they did in The Simpsons 'Treehouse of Horror.'

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