June 29, 2008

Adobe Advanced Technology: more than limited color picker

There's a new version of Adobe Kuler out now with promises that SwitchBoard, a Flex library which lets Adobe AIR desktop apps communicate with Creative Suite applications, will help with Adobe's lackluster development of the color picker and swatch palettes (I could swear that a Kuler swatch 'Export to Folder' wasn't there at first, although 'CS3 icons' can't be seen). Hopefully future developments will be better.

A trio of recent posts (tagged image science) by the informative John Nack talk of complex video enhancements and other tech ventures like Adobe's relationship Hany Farid, who is a "digital detective inventing new ways to tell if photos have been faked" according to a nice little video by NOVA scienceNOW.

There's more insight into future development to be had by glancing at the projects of Adobe’s Advanced Technology Labs and its people, which is more focused on research than software tools like at Adobe Labs. Something of the work of Advanced Technology Labs overlaps with University of Washington research, as does some projects of Microsoft Live Labs and perhaps Microsoft Research.

Interest in graphics research can spike after SIGGRAPH; postings on this blog, like the list 2007 image processing projects are tagged graphics.

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