March 8, 2008

South by Southwest coverage

South by Southwest (SXSW) is starting and offering video coverage and interviews. Hopefully some of the more interesting talks will be available soon, like Animation and Digital Effects on a Budget with Scott Kirsner, Mark Forker, Alex Lindsay, Stu Maschwitz, and Geoff Marslett.

Update: Some videos from SXSW available through Mahalo, Google search and SXSW Videos.

SXSW Interactive is one of the largest tech industry events of the year; here's a Mahalo Daily report from the show floor as they look for the next “killer app” at the SocialThing and Kyte (connects web & mobile video, see TechCrunch video) booths:

Update: and among several from Beet.TV, Mobile Video Blogging is Big with Power Bloggers

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