October 16, 2007

Have some corn with your corn

As Michael Pollan said in The Omnivore’s Dilemma (UC Berkeley webcast), have some corn with your corn -- like when you have a chicken or beef taco with soda pop. I love corn but now corn is a nearly omnipresent Frankenfood -- mostly genetically modified, as noted by The Center for Food Safety (KALW podcast on Frankenfood).

The indie documentary King Corn is making some waves after a decent showing in NYC (in NewTeeVee's Biofuel Primer and at All These Wonderful Things). Scheduled next is is DC, Boston, LA, and the Bay Area. As mentioned last month, there's also a low-key SAFE event on October 30 with the filmmakers and Michael Pollan in Berkeley. Here's the trailer for King Corn:

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