July 21, 2007

Live editing with Final Cut Pro

In a thread on the FCP list, Shane Ross quoted a friend on editing being done live with Final Cut Pro for major sports shows:

"Fox NASCAR truck has two systems:
- System One:
Quad G5, 7 GB ram, xRaid 7 TB, Fibre Channel card, AJA Kona 3, FCS 2
- System Two:
Mac Pro Quad core 3.0, 8 GB ram, xRaid 7 TB, Fibre Channel card, AJA Kona 3, FCS 2

Those two systems are owned by the mobile unit vendor, Game Creek Video. Obviously it would be cooler if they were on a SAN, but they have GigE between them, and copy files they need across that connection.

The Sunday Night Football show on NBC is probably the most robust FCS system working in trucks. Both are Mac Pros and they are on a SAN. Not sure of the specifics.

Other shows that have FCS systems:
- ESPN Sunday Night Baseball
- ESPN Monday Night Baseball
- Monday Night Football
- Sunday Night Football
- The primary ESPN/ABC college football shows on Thursdays and Saturdays in the Fall
- FOX and CBS NFL A show and B show

...a lot of golf shows are using these systems too."

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