June 26, 2007

Dove flies right & wins Grand Prix

NewTeeVee mentions that Dove’s “Evolution” Web Vid Wins Top Ad Award, a Cannes Film Festival Grand Prix. I still enjoy occasionally re-viewing this piece from Dove's "Campaign for Beauty;" it's a welcome relief from the old feed lot. NewTeeVee points to advice that even a Cow could learn to love:

"The good thing about Dove’s Grand Prix award, though, is that it’s likely to help more advertisers understand that consumers’ conversations around the brand help the brand. The more people mentioning your media online — consumer-fortified media, as Nielsen’s Pete Blackshaw calls it — the more traffic you get. Easy peasy."

ReelPop posted YouTube links on runners up at Cannes, but you can go directly to the showcase of winning clips and other awards categories at Cannes Lions.

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