May 31, 2007

Enhanced photogrammetry

Mark Christiansen posted a great video and background info on high-res photogrammetry applied to enhance video resolution and exposure (as shown above), as well as object touch-ups and removal. It would be great to see these sort of advances in further versions of Photoshop's Vanishing Point tool, along with camera mapping and other 3D features.

You can view additional examples of photogrammetry used today at Studio Daily on Zodiac, Paul Devebec's site (PDF), RealViz, and DV Garage's Brain Dump Series: Photogrammetry.


  1. hi rich ,
    this is realy incredible .... which software is used ? is this a combination of scripts ? or is it done in a 3 d tool ? thanx for answering

  2. This was custom work and research presented at SIGGRAPH by people at the U of Washington CSE graphics group, where according to Mark Christiansen, a new member of the AE team is finishing up his PhD. Check out Mark's blog:


  3. Sorry but tangents referring only to commercial services will be rejected.

  4. Sorry but tangents referring only to commercial services will be rejected.
