May 7, 2007

Battling business graphics

Battling for mindshare for animating business graphics in AE are Digital Anarchy's Data Animator filter set and Zakwerks gun Alan Shisko, who explains how to convert animating vertical bars to a pie chart with Polar Coordinates (Rect to Polar) and enhance it in 3D with Zaxwerks filters.

Harry Franks shows you another way with Radial Wipe in Expression Based Pie Charts
(thumbnail above). Dan Ebberts and Mylenium (line charts) have posted similar ideas with expressions or XML (as in Flash and AE8). And there's a 3D Chart function in Boris RED, and yet another filter for Windows called MovingChart. Finally, Dean Velez has a free chart lesson on growing pillars.

Update: Fusion Charts at Google makes animated Flash charts for free (sorta useful); Digital Inspiration mentions a few others too.

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